Wednesday, January 14, 2009

HMT504: Mengapa LingLangLong - Pembentukan Kata Menggunakan Maklumat dari Wikipedia

apophony of an apocopated word - LINGLANGLONG

I thought that I had better join the blog world. I would start first with something I had learned from Wikipedia.

apophony ( - an internal vowel alternations in words that are related, like 'ling - lang - long', 'phin - phan - phon', and 'king - kang - kong'

vowel ( - the letters that were used in a game I played during recess when I was in school: 'a e i o u'

apocope ( - back clipping or truncating parts of word such as 'lingo', 'linguini', and 'lingkup'

So...Using the information for the three terms, I manage to create the 'LingLangLong' blog.


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