Sunday, August 17, 2008


So sad, Lee Chong Wei lost.... but I am still proud to see the Malaysian flag finally flies at the Games...

on behalf of HBT213 S1 08/09: Tahniah Chong Wei

However, I am pissed at RTM for not showing the award cermony - wake up RTM.. I don't want to learn about 'pokok'. First you butchered the opening ceremony, then you totally ignored the medal ceremony... The only medal for the nation at the Olympics... WAKE UP!!!!! Listen to the rakyat!!!!

What has this got to do with morphology and syntax for translation? Think hard kidz...

Thank God 4 d internet !!!!

From left, silver medalist Lee Chong Wei of Malaysia, gold medalist Lin Dan of China, and bronze medalist China's Chen Jin, display their medals during the awards ceremony for the men's singles badminton finals at the Beijing Olympics Sunday Aug.17, 2008.


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